A long time a go I got an idea about a star blanket. I just couldn't find the right pattern for the star, since I knew what I wanted. Or at least, what I didn't want. Finally I ended up adjusting my own pattern from the existing ones. Now I have made several stars with this pattern. The smallest ones are made with sewing thread. After using sewing thread, the thicker threads seem somewhat clumsy... Well, maybe I still like threads nr 80.
Valmiit tähdet - Finished stars |
Another project which I started when I moved to Helsinki, is a pelmet made from brown thread. Now it's possible that I'm moving in the fall, so it probably will be unfinished until then. Then I will know if I have a window for it. Here is a picture, however, of the unfinished object. I have adapted the pattern from couple of different sources (I can't remember from where, it was about 7 years ago...)
Omenakappa - Apple pelmet |
2 kommenttia:
Päädyin kokeilemaan tuota tähteä ja ohjeessa on virhe. Perusrengas on kai 4+2-2-4 eikä 4+4-4-4.
Kiitos vinkistä! Aivan huolimattomuutta (pari riviä aiemminhan se on oikein...) Korjasin nyt sen tuonne ohjeeseenkin.
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